She makes me laugh. She makes me smile. She eases my pain. She kisses my mistakes. She breathes me in. She sees my potential. She pushes me forward. She loves me back.
Does anyone else see something very wrong with this latest Taco Bell commercial? First off, when was the last time you saw two attractive white girls working at Taco Bell, yeah, thought so. Next off, did you see the windows? Exactly, sunlight, no one goes to Taco Bell during the daytime. Also, there is a really annoying guy in the commercial but that's not the crazy part. The crazy part is that the guy in the commercial is neither drunk nor homeless, yeah, I thought this was an Applebee's commercial until the end. Taco Bell, I thought you were turning a new leaf in the honesty department with your 4th meal concept but this is truly an outrage. The gentlemen in the above pic are merely there to prove a point, gotta love google image search. Below is the commercial, yo quiero denise!
You took off your clothes, left on the light. You stood there so brave, used to be shy, each feature improved, each movement refined, and eyes like a showroom.
Hit the gym more often Travel to Europe in the summer Drink less and party more Be more positive Be more thrifty Be more creative Write, paint, and take more pictures Eat better Cook more Be healthier Enjoy life
NYC is huge! Sometimes, you get lost in it and lost with all the other people in it. Sometimes you get this feeling that there are so many people to meet that it would be impossible to meet them all. With all those people here, around me, and the opportunity to date so many different women. It's really comforting to be focused on only one, even if i do miss her.
"Years ago, my mother used to say to me, she'd say: 'In this world, Elwood,' she always used to call me Elwood. 'In this world, Elwood, you must be oh, so smart or oh, so pleasant.' Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. And you can quote me." - Elwood P. Dowd