Does anyone else see something very wrong with this latest Taco Bell commercial? First off, when was the last time you saw two attractive white girls working at Taco Bell, yeah, thought so. Next off, did you see the windows? Exactly, sunlight, no one goes to Taco Bell during the daytime. Also, there is a really annoying guy in the commercial but that's not the crazy part. The crazy part is that the guy in the commercial is neither drunk nor homeless, yeah, I thought this was an Applebee's commercial until the end. Taco Bell, I thought you were turning a new leaf in the honesty department with your 4th meal concept but this is truly an outrage. The gentlemen in the above pic are merely there to prove a point, gotta love google image search. Below is the commercial, yo quiero denise!
You fail to mention their new spokeschick (soo Jared) and their new 'drive-thru diet menu.'