What can I say? despite all the shitty things that have happened during this move I have one bright spot. I received a letter today. It wasn't obvious from the front what exactly it was but the message inside was really clear. Only a couple more days and I get to see my gf after a very long time apart. Okay, maybe three weeks isn't that long but who wants to explore such an amazing city without their partner in crime. I've already got several things planned and I'm not the planner type. She's offered to help me figure out my apartment space. I'll be counting the seconds until she gets frustrated with it and dumps my ass. What can I say? She's the best! She's also the thriftiest I might add, which is nice because that is one thing I'm definitely not. I spent an extra $10.50 the other day to take the scenic route home. Turns out I was on the wrong subway train! I did learn something though, Harlem is just how you picture it in your head...fading in the background as your feet run faster toward the closest cab.
I found my favorite hangout! A very cool place called the Village Pourhouse, not sure why they named it that because it's the nicest sports bar in the villages. It turns out it's 4 blocks away from me and it's a KU bar!!! Lots of KU people come out to celebrate Hawkdom every Saturday.

On a much sadder note. A local bar 2 blocks down from me is falling apart, in shambles, run down and in disarray. Turns out it's the MU bar in the villages called Standings. You can call it historic but we all know it's never seen a championship. Sad.

And that's how you keep a rivalry alive, even in NYC!
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